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Showing posts from February, 2021

There is how long of a wait?

  This would be the second hurdle I encounter with new customers.  After informing them and making them aware of the actual value of the item they want to purchase, then they see the fabrication time.  At any given time the standard lead time is 2 weeks, which allows me some room in case I am working on multiple projects (which is often the case).  Some items will require more time, the more intricate or custom an item is, naturally, the longer it will take.  It's not uncommon for a custom flat\messenger cap to take 3 weeks, and I have worked into this any correspondence time I need with the customer. What do I mean by correspondence time? Well, the amount of time it takes you, the customer, to answer any questions I might have.  The more custom, the more questions I'll be likely to have, but with all items that you wear, I always ask for measurements in the item description, but this doesn't always mean I'll get them with the order.  They might get lost in the order, o

Storage Cleanout

 Every once in a while, I'l have an odd thing on my site.  It's storage cleanup, and it's my loyal customers who get the option to buy the items first.  It might be a leather product, or an electronic product, or something off the wall, but keep an eye out as there will be more, especially pending a possible location move, we are cleaning shop. I will email out to the email subscribers what will be on the site a day before I list it, so if you want fair warning, sign up! -James

Mixed Media Part 1

 As I have mentioned in several posts, I have been experimenting with using other media to either integrate into the leather projects or just to work with alone, and I've had some pretty interesting results. In this part, we will be talking about tumbling. Not gymnastics, but tumbling media, like rocks and glass for example. Both of which I have done, both with great results, i'm trying to figure out a way to work it into my leatherwork, but I will, or I will have some pretty smooth stones and glass to sell later.  Although I do spend a lot of time on a leather projects, the time is spent busy, and I don't usually notice if 3-4 hours go by at a time, with tumbling, it's a "set and forget it" system. Only I don't forget it, I keep wondering how they are looking now. I think a transparent thick rubber container to replace the black ones would help, but it's actually a great lesson in patience. Untumbled Fire Agate Patience is not my greatest virtue, by f

No April Fools Here

 A lot of things will happen on April 1st, which is of course, April Fool's Day.  Posts will be made and then deleted because somewhere, someone took it seriously and got offended. We are playing the April Fool's game a little different. Any purchases between now and March 31st will be entered into a drawing and the winner will be announced on April 1st, or shortly there after. No joke here, the winner will received a 50% refund of their latest purchase.  A live video will be held to announce the winner, so order on!

To Answer that...

 By far the most asked question I get when I provide a quote for a custom order is, "Why is it so expensive?"  The answer is simple.  I'm creating an item for you that doesn't exist and won't exist anywhere else.  Holsters for example can be expensive, around $175 for a basic one and upwards depending on details added.  That holster doesn't exist yet, you can't go to your local sporting goods store and get it off the shelf.  With holsters specifically I'm asked why they can go pick one off the shelf for $50 or less, and my quote for them was $200.  Thank you nylon and mass production for the market confusion.  Those aren't custom holsters.  Yes, the are made to fit your model, but they usually work with multiple models, they aren't custom molded to your specific revolver (or automatic) that you own.  The ones I make are, and in addition, their life is (unless very overused or misused) longer than the owners, since the material is stronger than


 This is where I'll be displaying some works in progress, as well as introducing you to some other mediums I work with besides leather.  I'm working on getting a subscription email set up, so that you can keep up when changes or news occurs. Thanks for visiting, there will soon be much more content. -James