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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

While in a perfect world, no one has problems, no one has disabilities and everyone gets along. We do not live in a perfect world. There is strife worldwide, everyone has some sort of problem, and people do suffer from disabilities.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health has been a taboo subject for years, but it really shouldn't be. Science has proven that some of the best artists, writers and leaders all had a mental disability, which it be severe anxiety, sever depression, or the combination of both - Bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depressive disorder).  There are numerous true medical conditions that can affect mental health, and as we do not know everything there is to know about the brain, we can not always cure\alleviate the symptoms for those suffering.

Mental health is a topic dear to my heart as some of those I love very deeply suffer from it, worst yet, I do as well, but it isn't always a bad thing, sometimes I think of things differently than others and can come up with better solutions to problems.  It is a give and take, all day, every day.

This month, 10% of all sales are going to ISBD (International Society for Bipolar Disorders), next year will be a different charity, but the first annual donation is going to them.  There will be rotating sales during the month, so keep an eye out and order while everything is still in stock!

-James Riggs


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